Friday, November 7, 2008

I spend most of my time with Abby and Elliott, so most posts will be about them. Here is my Jacob! He is so awesome and never stops amazing me. He takes benchmark tests every month in Math and Reading. Even though he is supposed to score a 70% by the end of the year on these two tests, he has scored 100% on both tests! I couldn't be more proud of him. He is not in the honors class, but that is fine with me. There is sometimes too much pressure in those classes and he is the last person that needs stress. He is extremely sensitive, so I would hate for his self-esteem to be flattened. He has also taught himself how to multiply. I don't really know how he figured it out. We had one conversation before he went to bed about the principles of multiplication and how it all works. Ever since he has been giving me multiplication problems on a daily basis. He is even multiplying two digits by one digit. His reading is coming along. Although he doesn't read fast, he is very careful to get all the words right. His comprehension is unbeatable. Everybody just loves my Jacob. Even during our recent hospital visit, all the nurses and doctors were impressed by how polite he was.
As most of you know, Jacob has had his battles with poor health. He had two kidney stones at the ripe old age of six, but those are no problem now. We have it under control with his diet. At least we think we do. Asthma on the other hand,...not so much. He was hospitalized for 36 hours over his fall break. What started out as an asthma attack in the middle of the night turned into croop which lead to his esophagus closing shut. A little antibiotic and epinephrin paired with breathing in albuterol will kick that junk right out of you! He wasn't really thrilled with having an IV in his arm, but he was a trooper nevertheless. So that fiasco was over then on Sunday his tooth starts hurting. On the 14th of this month Jacob will become royaly, well, his tooth will anyway. He will get a crown on a molar that will stay with him until he is 12. He must have made an arrangement with Heavenly Father that he would take on the illnesses of the family so that Elliott and Abby wouldn't have to go through it.


GramiTami said...

Hey Shannon--LOVE reading all your news! So sorry to hear about Jacob's asthma attack! But great news about his test scores and do-it-yourself multiplication! And even a CROWN for one of his teeth-awesome, dude! Thanks so much for all the pictures--hopefully we'll soon have lots more of Lucy & Ben--they're both so beautiful and sweet-tempered. Thanks again for all the posts! LOVE ALWAYS, GRAMI TAMI :)

Naomi said...

What a trooper. . . I wish Peter were there to help him with his teeth. You really have such amazing kids!- And about the pictures. . . when you upload them, check the settings on "center, left, right" as well as "medium, small, large". You can change the size and the position of each picture.
Anyway, I love your blog and miss you so much!

GramiTami said...

Just thought I'd let you know that today I had a crown on a molar removed! In fact the whole tooth had to come out. (: It was the big molar on the lower right (not the very back one, the one right in front of that...) and it was no longer of any use. I'd been to an endodontist to see if a root canal could save it, but not possible. And just the last week or so it had become a dull, constant ache, so I was lucky to get into an oral surgeon today to have it removed. At this point I'm just glad it's over, and I'm doped up on some serious pain medication. So, best wished for Jacob tomorrow, who's getting a crown--a much better experience, I can assure you!!

Ranell said...

Don't you love how GramiTami uses the comment section to share all her news ... even if it's completely unrelated to your blog post? She does it on my blog, too. She needs to start her own blog!

I had never heard about the kidney stones! Yikes. And I'm sorry sweet Jacob has had other health problems lately. I'm glad he's a trooper and is so patient and polite. I think one of the reasons my kids are so healthy is that they WOULD NOT deal with it well at all, and we have enough problems without adding that to the mix!

GramiTami said...

So what's WRONG with sharing my news on your blog comments?? And I do think the fact that I had a tooth removed is definitely related to Jacob's getting a crown on one of his teeth, anyway! A little sympathy for all my pain, please!

The Clueless Mama said...

Ranell, don't pick on Grami Tami. We're lucky that she has overcome her fear of technology to this point. Seriously, she never asks me for help regarding blogs! Maybe when she's with you next week you can help her start her own blog... But then you'd have to go comment on it!

Shannon Berry said...

now, now girls, let's leave all the family bickering to the family blog, I mean there are others reading this! J/K

GramiTami said...

And I'm STILL not hearing any SYMPATHY for my painfully lost tooth!!! Waaah.

Shannon Berry said...

I thought I heard Ranell play some of those itty bitty violins with her finger tips. Seriously though, I hope I never have to experience loosing a tooth.

Shannon Berry said...

I thought I heard Ranell play some of those itty bitty violins with her finger tips. Seriously though, I hope I never have to experience loosing a tooth.