Can someone please remind me why I like Indiana? I mean we went from 80 degrees to 30 degrees in a matter of 2 days. Now we are freezing in a drafty house (as we are learning) and there is no end in sight. I'm reminded of
Kempton when the wind blew. We do have both cars in the garage, but we have to walk outside to get to the garage. Beggars can't be choosers. I haven't updated in a while because I have been busy. It is really hard to work and run a home. I know I don't work as much as I eventually will with a full time teaching job, but I do work every week day and it does take time. I've been meaning to write down all the wonderful things that my kids are doing, but I get distracted. Jacob's crown went well. Abby and Elliott had cleanings and we found that Abby has 2 cavities between molars. I am not looking forward to the drama that will follow this procedure. Both sides of her mouth will have to be numb. Jacob's been put on a new medicine for his asthma, but I'm not sure it is any better than the last medicine. He still spends most of his time coughing. Someone please tell me why it has to be so hard to figure out asthma! Elliott is my little sweetheart (finally). The first three years of his life, he could care less about me. He has always wanted Daddy over me. OUCH! But recently he has been so loving. When we walk in parking lots, or go shopping, or sit on the couch, or whatever we are doing he will say, "Mommy, you
awre the best Mommy
evewr." Sorry to all you other mommies... I am the best! J/K He will also give me his soft little hug and rub my back. I love this so much. Sometimes that is all I need to make a perfect day. Jacob is an amazing little guy, well not so little really. He won the turkey shoot at scouts this year. I was so proud of him. The boys shoot at pictures of turkeys, targets, and their leaders with rubber band guns. He got the most points (120). He was thrilled! I am trying to understand Abby at this point. Tell me why I can't communicate with her, please! She will ask a question, I'll give her the answer, then she asks again. I guess she didn't like the first answer, well, too
stinkin' bad. You git what you git and you don't throw a fit (yes that was
Hoosier twang) . So the other day I just sat back and listened to her temper tantrum. She was mad at Elliott for some reason. The very sad and scary part was that I heard my own voice screaming through her
frustrated whines and cries. We are so much a like that we don't always get along. I'm trying though. Richard is working as hard as ever, maybe even harder. He is at work from 7:30 a.m. until about 7:00 p.m. He does this Monday
thru Friday. Saturday is his easy day, he works from open until 3 p.m. By this time he is exhausted and pretty much crashes until Monday morning at 7:30. On top of working, I have been staying busy by accepting church responsibilities. Today I fed about 50 women for our Christmas Enrichment. We had chicken crepes, salad, very berry jello cups, and hand decorated cupcakes. It was beautiful and delicious. I didn't really do much other than delegate, but I didn't really get to enjoy all the crafts of the day. Oh well, maybe next year. I'm glad that part is over and I await my next assignment. There is always something. I am so happy that my sisters-in-laws have there beautiful babies. I will be excited to see them some day. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. We are going to Uncle
Ren's house to have dinner with his little family and his wife's side of the family. I hope my kids behave and don't break anything!